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Iran Hotels

Fin Garden

Kashan is one of the most ancient cities in the world. And being proud of its rich history, it boasts many amazing tourist attractions among which Fin Garden (Bagh-e Fin) is the most famous and the most popular with both locals and the foreign tourists. Fin Garden in Kashan is located in the village of Fin, 9 km to the southwest of the city. This garden is on the list of World Heritage Sights and is known to fully epitomize ancient Persian gardens.

Fin Garden

Fin Garden; History

The garden was first designed and established as a recreational facility for the powerful Safavid Shah, Abbas I in early 17th century and was expanded during the reigns of the rest of Safavid kings. When the Qajar King, Fat’h Ali Shah took the throne, Fin Garden gained even more popularity with the royal family and its architecture got richer and richer. However, despite all its beauty, Fin Garden in Kashan came to be the setting of one of the ugliest events in the history of Iran. It was during the reign of Naser al-Din Shah Qajar(1848-1896) whose very popular Prime Minister, Mirza Taqi Khan Amir Kabir was envied by the royal family and later on was assassinated in Fin Garden’s bathhouse. Amir Kabir had caused a lot of systematic improvements in Iran in fields of education and is known to be Iran’s first reformer and modernizer. It is commonly believed that Naser al-Din Shah Qajar himself had consented to Amir Kabir’s assassination and that the Shah was encouraged to do so by his mother.

Fin Garden

Fin Garden's Structure

Pleasantly shaded by its tall, ancient cypress trees, Fin Garden occupies a 2.3 hectare piece of land. All around the garden, there are a lot of fountains and pools whose water comes from a natural spring called Soleimanieh Spring. The abundant water from the spring and the highly technical architecture of the pools and fountains have made the use of any water pumping system unnecessary.

Fin Garden

How to Go to Fin Garden?

Fin Garden is located at the end of Amir Kabir Street and there are frequent shuttle taxis going to the garden from Kamal-ol-Molk Sq. You can also go there on buses that stop at the corner of Ayatollah Kashani and Baba Afzani Streets in the center of the city. Make sure you have the bus ticket card as you get on these buses. You can buy these cards at major bus stops in Kashan.

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9/30/2023 11:26:44 PM

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