Iran Hotels
Iran Hotels
Iran Hotels
Iran Hotels
Iran Hotels

Kerman Hotels


Another city that has formerly served as Iran’s capital is Kerman. The city has witnessed countless glorious and tragic moments in its long history. In its heydays Kerman was a major route linking the southern coast to Khurasan Province and a prime trade center. However, it was put under siege and invaded many times by clashing forces and sometimes paid a dear price for conspiring with one side. The ghastliest of these acts of terror was committed by the harrowing figure of Agha Mohammad Khan Qajar (1789 to 1797) when after capturing Kerman he blinded 20 thousand of the people and made a huge pile out of their eyeballs. But in spite of being sacked many times, the city still maintains its charm as one of the capitals of Iran and the visitors who take Kerman tours are often struck by the sheer beauty of Kerman tourist attractions. Even though Kerman isn’t a metropolis, it is immensely popular with tourists who visit the city because of its historical and cultural sites and in particular the famous Arg-e Bam. In the light of the latter, Kerman offers surprisingly diverse choices of accommodation. Travelers to Kerman who are accustomed to stay in a hotel will find many nice hotels suited to their budget and expectation, most of which offer online booking services. Some of these hotels like Kerman Parsian Hotel are managed by Iran’s famous hotel chains. Other low-cost travelers can choose between dozens of cheap hostels and guesthouses in Kerman. Some of Kerman’s best guesthouses are situated near the tourist spots. The owners and staff of these hotels and guesthouses will definitely try their best to make your stay as pleasant as possible in this Iran’s old capital, Kerman.


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