Iran Hotels
Iran Hotels
Iran Hotels
Iran Hotels
Iran Hotels

Laleh Kandovan Rocky Hotel

Map & Address

GPS Coordinate: 37.796850, 46.244793

Address In English:
Laleh Kandovan Rocky Hotel, Kandovan Village, Osku, Tabriz, Iran

Address In Farsi:
تبریز، اسکو، روستای کندوان، هتل سنگی لاله کندوان

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Radu Dan on 12/5/2018
Hello, My name is Paltan Dan, I am from Romania and I plan my first trip to Iran. Because of the situation with website's and no other offers from tourism agencies in that region I chose this way to make a reservation for each hotel on my way trough Iran. So I ask for an offer for one night in Laleh Kandovan Rocky Hotel for 2 person in a -Private Double Rooms(Private Bathrooms) for the period 27.04.2019-28.04.2019. Many thanks, Dan Paltan

Thank You

Dear Dan

Comment Code: 9220


Thank you very much for your interest in Laleh Kandovan rocky Hotel. Unfortunately it's too soon to make your reservation there. It is some of the hotels/hostels' policy to accept reservations only within one months prior to your check-in date, and your desired option is one of them. So, please come back to us later.


Kind Regards

 Sevenhostels Group

DEBEVE jean michel et DEBEVE michelle on 6/26/2018
Hello we are passing through your city on Monday, September 24th.We would like to eat in your restaurant for lunch. Can you book 2 places? what is the price in euros of the meal? cordially

Thank You

Dear DEBEVE jean michel et DEBEVE michelle

Comment Code: 6938


Thank you very much for contacting us. 

With all due respect, our job is related to booking rooms at this hotel and we have no information about the current menu of the hotel's restaurant.

Kind Regards