Iran Hotels
Iran Hotels
Iran Hotels
Iran Hotels
Iran Hotels

Nartitee Hostel in Taft

Map & Address

GPS Coordinate: 31.742229, 54.181277

Address In English:
Nartitee Hostel in Taft, Khayyam (Khabgah) Alley, Rahat Abad, Kubieh Bridge, Taft, Yazd

Address In Farsi:
یزد، تفت، پل کوبیه، راحت آباد، کوچه خیام (خوابگاه)، هاستل نارتیتی تفت

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Bombawfx on 4/20/2018
Dear, do you have a room from 25/4 3 or 4 days Thank you

Room Available


Inquiry Code: 6406



Thank you very much for your interest in our services. At the moment, there is availability on your desired dates. Please refer to the link below and make your reservation. We'll get back to you very soon (within less than 12 hours).

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